I am weak. I am weak, very weak. Because of their high degree of unsaturation, they are less resistant to oxidation than other animal or vegetable oils. 因为它们的高度不饱和性,它们比其它动植物油抗氧化性弱。
Investigation of ring opening polymerization of propylene oxide(ⅱ) average molecular weight and degree of unsaturation of polyols under batch and semicontinuous operating conditions 环氧丙烷开环聚合反应的工程研究(Ⅱ)间歇和半连续操作时聚醚的数均分子量和双键度
The diffusion limiting current densities are directly proportional to the △ m_ ( I2, max), which is defined as unsaturated extent of iodine, and it is different in the definition and the value from the usual degree of unsaturation of iodine in the electrolyte solution. 其极限扩散电流密度与本文中定义的碘的未饱和度△m(I2),max成正比,后者是一个与通常所指的碘的不饱和度在意义和数值上都不相同的物理量。
GC analysis showed that showed that the changes of fatty acids of oyster during the storage at-18 ℃ were related to their degree of unsaturation. The higher degree of unsaturation led to the more change. 气相色谱分析研究表明:在&18℃贮藏过程中,牡蛎脂肪酸的变化与其不饱和度有关,不饱和程度越高,越不稳定,减少得越多;
There is positive correlation between the degree of unsaturation of fatty acids and the chilling resistance. There are two break points when the α-Ketoglutaric oxidase activity of mitochondria from rice sprouts were plotted according to Arrhenius equation with in the temperature range of 10-42 ℃. 四个水稻品种的芽鞘线粒体α-酮戊二酸氧化酶活力在10~42℃间存在着两个温度折点,其中低温折点可能与品种抗冷性有关。
In additon, we found that the detonation cell size of hydrocarbon will diminish with increasing of its degree of unsaturation. 此外还发现随着烃类物质的不饱和度的增加,其爆轰波的胞格尺寸将随之减小。
Poloxamer 188 for injectable formulations has higher quality criteria than for oral formulations in average molecular weight, degree of unsaturation, limit of free ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, 1,4-dioxane and organic volatile impurities. 作为注射用辅料,泊洛沙姆188在平均分子量,不饱和度,以及游离EO、PO、二恶烷和有机挥发物上比口服辅料有更高的质量要求;